And the WINNER IS……

Consistently, in study after study, Haskap comes ahead of other fruits in antioxidant properties.

You can read about it here:

This study was conducted at Nova Scotia Agricultural College by H.P. Vasantha Rupasinghe, Ph.D, a professor in the Dept of Environmental Sciences, and published in Feb, 2012. He used Haskap berries, specifically Tundra, Borealis, and Indigo Gem 9-15, from the Univ of SK, in his work. The other eight fruits were obtained from various businesses in N.S.

Here is a short excerpt from his Summary:

The results indicated that haskap berries, especially cv. ‘Borealis’ possessed the highest antioxidant capacities and total phenolic contents (of the 9 fruits studied–addition mine), specifically total flavonoid among the tested fruits and could be used as a promising fruit source of natural dietary antioxidants.

The final analysis shows Haskap consistently coming in at just about 2 times blueberries, and more than all the other 8 fruits.

Secondly, who hasn’t heard about ‘Free Radicals’ and the damage they can do?

You can read about it second in the list of the cited link I provided earlier.

Summary: Group of research scientists in China did in-vitro (in the glass/dish, as it were) studies of Haskap among 2 other berries. Lonicera caerulea var. edulis (blue honeysuckle), Rubus idaeus (red raspberry) and Vaccinium uliginosum Linn.(blueberry) indigenous to the Greater Higgnan Mountains in northeast China, were rich in anthocyanins.

Their summary basically has the blue honeysuckle (EBH assuming) as having the highest rating in combating free radical damage.

I like to think of them like little vacuum cleaners in the body, although they chemically decompose bad things floating around and make them less harmful (simple version). Free radicals are definitely associated with increased cancer, so eat berries!! Dr. Oz told you so, too!

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